Better Things To Do
I've got better things to do.....than experiment with drugs or alcohol.
Research shows that strengthening protective factors such as strong and positive family bonds and increased parental and social involvement are important principles for prevention of youth substance abuse. There are tons of opportunities in Murray and Calloway County to do just that!
March 2020
​​​​​March 4, Benton Alzheimer Care Giver Support Group. The Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Support Group for Caregivers meets every 1st Wednesday of each month from 10:00-11:00 am in the Marshall County Library. This support group is designed with caregivers in mind, but all are welcome! Teresa Thompson is the facilitator. A variety of resource materials on Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias is available upon request. For more information, call 270.762.1224.​
​​​​​March 5, Murray Alzheimer Care Giver Support Group. The Alzheimer's & Other Dementia Support Group for Caregivers meets every 1st Thursday of each month from 10:00-11:00 am in the Murray Calloway County Senior Center. This support group is designed with caregivers in mind, but all are welcome! Teresa Thompson is the facilitator. A variety of resource materials on Alzheimer's Disease and other dementias is available upon request. For more information, call 270.762.1224.​
March 5, Bariatric Support Group at 10:00 am held at the Bariatric office. The Bariatric Support Group is for those who have undergone, or will be undergoing, bariatric surgery. Please call Bariatric Solutions at 270.762.1547 for more information.​​
March 12, ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) Support Group This support group is for anyone seeking support for ALS. This includes those who are diagnosed with ALS or friends and family of someone with ALS, as well as those who have lost someone to ALS. There is no cost and registration is not required. For more information, contact Mitzi Cathey at 270.293.1748.
March 13-15, Mustang Event at the MSU Expo Center. murraystate.edu/agr
March 16, Stroke and Head Injury Support Group from 5:00 pm - 6:30 pm at the Center for Health and Wellness in Murray. For more info call Cheryl at 270.293.9442.
​​​​​March 17, Bariatric Support Group at 5:00 pm held at the Center for Health and Wellness in Murray. The Bariatric Support Group is for those who have undergone, or will be undergoing, bariatric surgery. Please call Bariatric Solutions at 270.762.1547 for more information.​​
​​March 19, NAMI (Mental Illness) Support Group at 6:30 pm. This group is for family and friends of someone diagnosed with a mental illness such as bi-polar, major depression, schizophrenia, OCD, panic disorder, PTSD, or borderline personality disorder. Meets in the MCCH Educational Services Building located on the corner of 8th and Elm streets. For more information call Susan Phillips at 270.748.6133.
​​March 19, Breastfeeding Support Group held at the Center for Health and Wellness from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm. This is a federal program that is funded by WIC. The support group offers mother to mother support, facts about Breastfeeding and breast milk, changes in the mother's body, how to build confidence, how to overcome obstacles, and support for working mothers. There is no cost and registration is not required. Call 270.762.1562 for more information.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
March 20-21, Pony & Horse Pulls at the MSU Expo Center. murraystate.edu/agr
March 20-29, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time held at Playhouse in the Park. playhousemurray.org
​​​​​​March 24, Breast Cancer Support Group held at Mr. Gatti's Pizza in Murray at 5:30 pm. For more information call Evelyn at 270.489.2462.